At EssentialWeb Innovations, we prioritize the safety and security of our clients’ personal information. We collect only essential and necessary information to process your orders. We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our customers and do not share any personal information with individuals outside our company without your explicit permission.

**Information Collection**

We collect clients’ information through various channels, including Email, Phone, Contact Us forms, and Order Forms. The information provided is protected according to the privacy policy set by EssentialWeb Innovations. We never disclose, share, or sell clients’ information to third-party services.

The personal information we require initially includes your name, company name, billing address, email address, secondary email, phone and fax numbers, order details, place of residence, and some optional information. Additionally, we may request information in a creative brief to begin working on your order.

We may also collect opinions, complaints, appreciation, and comments about our products or services.

Technical information, such as your IP address, browser version, operating system, and visit date and time, may be collected and recorded. We may use tools like Google Analytics to gather this data.

**Usage of Collected Information**

The information we collect serves two primary purposes. First, it helps us understand your specific product requirements and any additional specifications you may have. Second, billing information is necessary for the payment process.

Email addresses provided by clients are used for communication regarding order status, comments, opinions, and delivery of the finalized product. Additionally, we may send emails regarding website updates, promotional offers, new product or service launches, and industry news.

**Consumer Data Safety Measures**

We highly respect your right to privacy. Therefore, we do not share your name and contact details with any third party. Furthermore, the information you provide is treated as confidential and used solely to understand your requirements and improve our services accordingly. We adhere to the standards set by PCI and consumer data protection.

Our company strictly prohibits representatives from collecting any confidential information from customers, such as credit card details. We advise our customers not to share any sensitive information with our employees. If any staff member requests credit card information or other confidential data, please report this event to the email address provided on our website.

**Privacy of Payments**

To ensure the highest level of privacy for payments, we offer multiple payment options. The payment processor we use employs Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, indicated by the domain “”. Therefore, we assure you that the payment process and billing information are secure and private.


We understand the importance of confidentiality and never compromise when it comes to our clients’ information. Your personal information, including name, billing address, email address, telephone number, fax, etc., is treated as confidential. We store this information securely, accessible only to designated members, to prevent theft or unauthorized access. We guarantee that your personal information will never be released to any third party under any circumstances, unless you provide explicit consent or if required by law.


EssentialWeb Innovations may amend its privacy policy for stricter security measures if necessary. However, any amendments related to the security of personal information will be announced with prior notice, indicating the effective date of the amended or updated privacy policies.

**Conditions of Information Disclosure**

Ensuring information confidentiality is our top priority. However, there are certain circumstances where information disclosure may be necessary, such as complying with country laws, judicial proceedings, court orders, or other legal procedures.

**Contact Us**

If you have any confusion or concerns regarding our privacy policies, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We are here to address any questions or issues you may have.

Thank you for choosing EssentialWeb Innovations. We are dedicated to providing you with exceptional web design services while ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information.